Riverside Review
Principal Message:
Dear RSI Parents and Family Members,
February is off to a great start! I want to thank everyone who has made a conscious effort to keep their full attention on the children during car rider drop-off and pick-up. Your continued focus on safety is greatly appreciated.
We have a few very important events coming up that I would like to highlight:
- Internet and Social Media Safety Event: Please take note of the event details below this message. I attended this session with a group of RSI parents at RSI last semester and was shocked by my lack of awareness of the dangers our students face online every day. If I could make one wish for any parent of a 5th-grade student, it would be for you to attend this event. You will not regret it. This event is brought to us by our very own RSI parent Tiffany Preston, the Assistant Attorney for the United States who has vast experience in this field.
- Hamilton Southeastern Education Foundation’s Inaugural Legacy Celebration: Formerly known as Game Day, this event is scheduled for February 21st at the new Fishers Event Center. It’s a wonderful opportunity to see Jeff Foxworthy and support the foundation, which is highly active in funding projects and programs at RSI. See below for the link to purchase tickets for this fun event.
Lastly, as we are in the midst of winter, please ensure your children are dressed appropriately for the cold weather. Students need to go outdoors for play, and in the event of an emergency requiring school evacuation, it could become unsafe if they are not properly dressed. To keep it simple, if you have a student who likes shorts, please have them bring extra clothes in their backpacks each day for outdoor time.
Have a wonderful and safe weekend!
Dana Kaminski, Ph.D.
Riverside Intermediate Principal
Internet & Social Media Safety Event
SAVE THE DATE: Internet & Social Media Safety Event
Dear HSE Families,
If you're interested in learning how to keep your children safe online, we’re offering an informative session on Thursday, February 20 focusing on just that.
Join Assistant United States Attorney Tiffany Preston, a federal prosecutor with nearly 17 years of experience investigating internet crimes against children, as she shares practical, common-sense approaches to online safety.
Date: Thursday, February 20
Time: 6:00 – 7:30 PM
Location: HSE Administration Building, Board Room (13485 Cumberland Road, Fishers)
Ms. Preston will also discuss how you can help your children make smart choices online, implement device safety measures and how to recognize the risks of communicating with strangers on popular apps and games like Roblox, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, Minecraft, Fortnite, and more.
We hope you'll join us for this valuable conversation on protecting kids in today’s digital world. No registration is required.
ACES is a proactive program sponsored by the Hamilton County Prosecutor’s Office. Its purpose is to promote good school attendance by enforcing the legal obligations of compulsory school attendance noted in Indiana Law. Students may be referred by HSE Schools to the Hamilton County Deputy Prosecutor for the City of Fishers for participation in the program for being truant from school or having unexcused absences. Students with absences without a doctor’s note that exceeds 10 days per school year are considered unexcused and may also result in a referral to the ACES program.
HSEF’s Legacy Celebration Brings Comedy For A Cause
Legendary comedy icon Jeff Foxworthy is headlining the Hamilton Southeastern Education Foundation’s inaugural Legacy Celebration (formerly Game Day). Foxworthy is one of the most famous comedians ever, a multiple Grammy Award nominee and the highest-selling comedy recording artist in history. He’s best known for his hit Blue-Collar Comedy Tour and numerous television shows including “Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?”
Tickets are on sale for the show, which will be February 21st at the new Fishers Event Center. The Legacy Celebration is the biggest fundraiser for the education foundation and will feature an auction featuring hundreds of unique items and experiences. All proceeds benefit innovative teacher grants, student scholarships, mental health and student wellness initiatives.
BUY TICKETS HERE: https://www.ticketmaster.com/event/0500617B9496124F
Title IV Ed-Flex Waiver
Hamilton Southeastern Schools is seeking public input on a Title IV Ed-Flex Waiver. To learn more about this waiver, how it will be used by the district, and to provide public comment please visit hseschools.org/publicnotices and click on IDOE Title IV Ed-Flex Waiver.
Attendance Matters! Stay Engaged and Reap the Rewards!
Consistent school attendance is essential for promoting student achievement. Research shows that regular attendance is linked to higher success rates in math and language arts, and students with lower chronic absence rates are more likely to excel.
Attendance Reminders:
1. Call-In Requirement: Parents/guardians must notify the school by 10:00 AM if a student will be absent or arriving late. A 24-hour voicemail is available for your convenience.
2. Excused Absences: A maximum of ten (10) absences per school year will be excused. Beyond this, absences require a doctor’s note to avoid being marked unexcused.
3. Half-Day Credit: Students must attend for at least 3 hours to be credited for a half day, which is necessary to participate in extracurricular activities.
Reward Opportunity: Students who maintain an attendance rate above 97% will soon be eligible for a special reward, so keep aiming for great attendance! Let’s work together to make this a successful year!
Arrival/Departure for Car Riders
Riverside Info You Should Know
Our goal is to keep our parents/guardians informed of the events and policies at RSI. Please read the information below and call the school office with any questions. Thanks for being such a vital part of making Riverside Intermediate a special school.
Skyward allows parents to access students’ grades from teachers’ electronic grade books.
ParentSquare will be used as the primary communication tool between the HSE school district and students, parents, and staff for emergency situations (for example: school delays or closings). It will also be used for attendance and general information as well throughout the year to notify parents about important information, upcoming events, or milestones.
iPads are required for all students in the 5th and 6th grade to expand our HSE21 curriculum. Please visit our website https://rsi.hseschools.org/academics/tech-in-the-classroom
The Riverside Review is our weekly newsletter that is sent out via ParentSquare. It is also posted on our website at https://rsi.hseschools.org/our-school/news-and-events
It is full of important information and scheduled activities.
Our Calendar is on our website with the most up to date information. https://www.hsecalendars.org/public/genie/752/school/13/
School Attendance is extremely important. The school attendance line is 317-594-4328. Parents are requested to notify the school as soon as possible. Automated letters will be sent out when your student reaches 5, 8 and 10 absences whether the absences are excused or unexcused. See the student handbook for the detailed attendance policy.
The Tardy Bell rings at 9:15 am. If your student is going to be late to school or absent from school, please call our attendance line at 317-594-4328.
Change of Transportation/ Early Dismissal requires a note sent to school with your student. Be sure to include your student’s full name. Your student should give the note to their homeroom teacher first thing in the morning. This will advise the office of a change. The dismissal bell rings at 4:00 pm. Our office does NOT use Dismissal Manager.
All Cell Phones are to be off and secured in student lockers during the school day. Their use during the school day is forbidden. Cell phones will be confiscated if visible during the school day. All confiscated cell phones must be picked up by a parent.
To be Excused from Participation in PE, students MUST have a doctor’s note stating why he/she cannot participate and for how long the student should be excused. A parental note may be used for one day only.
Safe Visitor Background Checks MUST be on file with the school to volunteer or go on a field trip. Background checks are valid for 3 years.
Address Changes must be reported to the main office and require proof of residency. Refer to the HSE website for acceptable documents.
Golden Hawk of the Month is the character education program at RSI. Students will be recognized for displaying any of HSE’s nine positive character traits throughout the year by earning a poster and a prize!
The Counselors at RSI loop with the students. Therefore, your student will have the same counselor for 5th and 6th grade. Individual counseling, group counseling, classroom guidance, and character education are all services provided by the counselors at RSI.
Breakfast and Lunch pricing for this school year: breakfast meal $1.50, student lunch K-6 meal is $2.80. Checks may be made payable to RSI. Please include student ID number on the check. You may also use your debit or credit card to pay for lunch online through eFunds.
Free and Reduced Application is available with a parent Skyward login. For complete instructions, click here.
Canvas is a tool for teachers to use to distribute important information, submit assignments, and more. Students use the same credentials for Canvas as they use to log into the computers at school.
Student Handbook
All HSE Schools student handbooks (K-12) are now online for easier access. The 5/6 handbook is available via this link:https://rsi.hseschools.org/our-school/student-handbook
We encourage you to review it at your earliest convenience. Should you have any questions, please contact the RSI main office at 317-594-4320. Our staff is available to assist you. Have a great school year!
PTO Board Members 2024-2025
President - Christina Stenske
Vice President - Christine Gilchrist
Treasurer - Jenny Shoemaker
Secretary - Teresa Hunckler
Member at Large - Leslie Halcomb
Member at Large - Marissa Deckert
For any questions regarding PTO events, please email riversideintpto@gmail.com
2/11 - Public PTO Meeting: Attention all LEADERS! Please attend our Public PTO Meeting to learn how you can contribute to the RSI PTO in the upcoming school year. In order to determine our leaders, we intend to conduct a vote during our March meeting. However, if you are interested in contributing to the upcoming school year, we must hear your input, please join us if you have an interest on 2/11 @ 7pm. The RSI PTO Community is advancing at a rapid pace this year, and we are in search of those leaders who will continue to contribute to its development in the upcoming year. We have a great team of leaders who will continue into the next year. However, we are seeking individuals who are interested in collaborating with RSI staff and teachers to establish a brand, engage the RSI community, and work harmoniously with parents/guardians. We invite you to attend our Public PTO meeting on 2/11 to learn more if you embody the serving spirit. Statistically, participation in the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) can significantly enhance your child's education by encouraging greater parental involvement. This is directly associated with enhanced academic performance, enhanced social skills, and a stronger sense of community within the school, resulting in a more positive educational experience for your child. Join us at RSI in the Media Center at 7pm on 2/11 to learn more.
RAVE - One of my personal favorites is praising those that support our future! RAVE ABOUT why, how, and who is making a difference in your child's life - https://www.hseschools.org/community/rave-reviews
2/10 - We are eagerly anticipating the upcoming Dine to Donate event at Puccini's on 2/10; Who cannot miss an opportunity to enjoy the humble pie, wedge salad, and calzone. We look forward to seeing you and encourage you to bring up the RSI Fundraising Night.
The PTO's partnership with the HSEF has a strong presence; since 2001, the Hamilton Southeastern Education Foundation (HSEF) has raised funds to support all students and staff across HSE Schools. On February 21, legendary comedy icon Jeff Foxworthy will perform live at the Fishers Event Center for HSEF’s first annual Legacy Celebration. HSEF and its mission to enhance educational opportunities, inspire excellence, and engage the community to foster a legacy of achievement will benefit from the proceeds from ticket sales.
Please join in celebrating the legacy of HSEF on 2/21! Tickets are on sale now through www.FishersEventCenter.com or Ticketmaster (scan QR code).
Counselors Corner
ATTENTION - 6th Grade Parents!
Junior High Scheduling Information for Incoming 7th Graders:
Plans are underway for next year's classes for junior high students. Sixth grade teachers will be asked to recommend students for placement in advanced or regular seventh grade English, math, and science classes. If you have questions concerning how your child will be recommended, please contact your child's sixth grade English, math, or science teachers.
We are inviting you to an Incoming 7th Grade Parent Night on Tuesday, February 11th at 7:00 PM to share about Riverside Junior High and course offerings.
All 7th grade students will take Math, English, Science, Social Studies, Wellness, Composition, and Business & Information Technology. To fill the other two periods, 7th grade students will have elective choices. They will be able to fill those periods with:
· 2 full year electives
· 1 full year elective & 2 semester electives
· 4 semester electives
The full year elective choices are Art, Band, Choir, or Orchestra.
The semester choices are Art, Family Consumer Science (FCS), General Music, Journalism, and Robotics.
Students may take band or orchestra even if they have not participated in sixth grade band or orchestra. Participation in seventh grade band or orchestra will require the use of an instrument, and we encourage families to rent on from a local company. The band and orchestra departments have more information on instrument rental. If your child has already participated in band or orchestra in sixth grade, the intermediate band and orchestra teachers will recommend placement in the appropriate level of seventh grade band or orchestra if your child chooses to continue with these programs for next year.
All schedule changes must be done by June 1, 2025. Electives will not be changed during the school year, and student might not receive all their choices. Please make any changes in via email to Mr. Chris Graves (cgraves@hse.k12.in.us).
Tutor List
Please see the attached list if your student is in need of a tutor!
Social Emotional Learning
6th Grade
In this week’s lesson, your child learned and practiced several emotion-management strategies to help them make good decisions when they’re feeling a strong emotion.
Try This at Home:
Ask your child what strategy they like to use when they realize they need to manage their emotions. Share a strategy you like to use and see if it’s also helpful for them.
5th Grade
In this lesson, your child chose a solution to a problem in their school community and explain how it meets the wants and needs of the people who are affected by the problem.
Try This at Home:
Point out a change that has happened in your neighborhood recently that was intended to solve a problem. Ask your child if that change was a good solution, and how they know.
Snack Attack
RSI Families,
Riverside Intermediate is pleased to announce the return of the Snack Attack program for those students in need. This program, supported by the Fishers Youth Assistance Program, is designed to provide students a little extra nourishment for the weekend until they can receive a hot meal at school on Monday.
Here's how the program works. Your student will pick up a small sack of food to be taken home over the weekend. The sack is filled with individually wrapped snacks such as granola bars, fruit cups, pop tarts, peanut butter/crackers, Goldfish crackers, etc. The type of snacks will vary each week. Please let us know if your child has a peanut allergy as he/she will receive a special bag of peanut-free snacks.
There is no cost to you or the school. To be part of this free program, you must sign up your family online. https://forms.gle/qQ2GgbD32C66Dhfg7 or have questions, please contact FYAPFood@gmail.com
You can also reach out to Brenna Anton, 6th grade school counselor, if you have questions.
Yearbooks are now on sale for $18.00. The yearbook is the perfect way to remember all the amazing moments of the school year!
Order your yearbook today - click below!
RSI Yearbook Cover Contest
We are inviting all Riverside Intermediate students to enter their drawings in our Yearbook Cover Contest. A winner will be selected for the front cover. If your student is interested, follow the entry requirements stated in the attached form and return to Ms. Rhodes or Miss Strong.
Updates from Mudsock Youth Athletics
Curious about rugby? Join Mudsock Youth Rugby for a FREE Try-It Day on Sunday, February 23rd at Fall Creek Intermediate:
This event is open to 2nd–8th grade boys and girls and is the perfect opportunity to learn about this exciting, inclusive sport. Our experienced coaches and board members will be on hand to teach fundamental skills, answer questions about the upcoming spring season and introduce youth to the growing sport of rugby. Learn more including times here.
Spring Boys Volleyball Callout:
Intermediate and junior high boys, it’s time to hit the court and serve up some fun this spring! Whether you're just getting started or dreaming of playing in high school, our spring skills clinic and intramural-style league is the perfect way to build skills and make friends. Register now at myathletics.com and learn more here.
Sign Up Now - Spring Sport Registration Remains Open:
Get ready for an action-packed spring! With 9 sports to choose from, there’s something for every skill level and interest. Registration is now open at myathletics.com. Sign up for baseball, softball, soccer, boys and girls lacrosse, rugby, boys volleyball, pickleball and track & field. Explore detailed season information here and secure your spot today!
Help us create a safe and positive environment for participants, parents, guardians, coaches and referees. When you register with us in 2025, you will sign the following agreement. Just think of the difference we can make TOGETHER.
HSE Food Service Newsletter
This newsletter will assist you with all questions regarding Food Service - please click below.
February Global Meal Chicken Cacciatore is being served February 11th.
Strawberry Shortcake as a free dessert with a meal deal on February 14th.
Domino's Day is February 19th.
Using Skyward
Skyward allows parents to access grades, report cards, bus information, immunization records, lunch account/food service information, student fees, schedules, and the BACK TO SCHOOL FORMS 2024-2025. All students are required to have an iPad to expand our HSE21 curriculum. Please visit our HSE21 website for more information.
The following instructions are how to create and pair accounts in Canvas. Your HSE students will be using Canvas throughout virtual and in-person instructions. If you have a child or children that are new to the district, please use the following instructions to link your child's Canvas account to your parent account. Please note that if you have already created a Parent Canvas account and linked your child(ren)'s account(s), you will not need to do this.
You will need your child's school email address and ID#. This information can be found in Skyward. Please click here to access Skyward. If the link is not working, you can go to the HSE homepage and click on the Canvas tab located at the top right of the screen.
Once you are logged in, you will select your child's name from the drop down menu under Family Access at the top of the page. Next, you will click on the Student Info tab from the column on the left. Your child's school email can be found next to the word School in the middle of the screen (just to the right of their school picture) and their school ID # is located under their picture (their school ID # is labeled as Other ID).
- Please click here to access Canvas. If the link is not working, you can go to the HSE homepage and click on the Canvas tab located at the top right of the screen. You will click on the Students/Staff Portal rectangle to login with your child's information, using your child's full school email address as the username. Enter "hse" in front of their 6 digit other ID number for the password. You will now be logged in under their name.
- While on their Canvas page, click on Account and then Settings. Look to the right and click Pair with Observer. You will need to write down the code so you can use it to link your accounts.
- Click Account and Logout. You are now logged out of your child's account.
- If you have multiple students in the district, you will need to complete steps 1-3 for each of your children. You will need a pairing code for each student in an HSE school.
- Once you have a pairing code for each of your children, you will click here to access the home page of Canvas. If the link is not working, you can go to the HSE homepage and click on the Canvas tab located at the top right of the screen. You will click on the Parent Canvas Portal rectangle to create your profile. You will need your name, email, create a password, and one student pairing code. Click on Start Participating.
- Check your email now to finalize your Canvas sign-up.
- To add other children, go back to the HSE homepage, click Canvas tab, click Parent Portal, and login. Click on Account, click on Observing, and add your next child's pairing code.
This webpage below is intended to spotlight school and community activities of interest to students, staff, parents and those residing within the boundaries of HSE Schools.
HSE Report It!
Contact information:
11014 Eller Road ♦ Fishers, IN ♦ 46038
317.594.4320 (phone)
317.594.4328 (attendance line)
317.594.4329 (fax)
Follow Us on X: @RSIGoldenHawks